About Us
“金源” a meaning of Source of Treasure.
Company Profile
Midas Securities Limited provides securities investment services, including stock trading, IPO, equity financing and wealth management services for individuals, corporations, high-potential and institutional clients. With the comprehensive knowledge of Hong Kong, global financial markets and understanding of the clients' needs, our services cover various financial markets around the world. The opening of both China and Hong Kong financial market has generated a lot of opportunities in both markets. Being a connection for the Mainland China investors to the Hong Kong and the global financial market, we are committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality and diversified services.
Client Asset Protection
To achieve the resource integration of global financial institutions, Midas Securities Limited strives for the mutual financial access between the cross-strait four regions and the mutual subscriptions of the global financial products. Our well-established internet trading, financial Apps services and settlement system build up the front-end & back-office systems for serving the online trading platform.
License & Professional Team
Midas Securities Limited is licensed with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (CE No. BIK715) in Type 1 (Dealing in Securities); Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type 9 (Assets Management) regulated activities. Also, we are a participant in the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and have the trading right in the Exchange.
On the asset management, we have provided full managed asset management to our clients through other asset management companies and their products. Our investment team is specialized in the mainland and Hong Kong financial markets and has extensive experience in the global investment management and proficient in a variety of overseas investment products and services. Under the risk control management, we strive to maximize the return and minimize the risk in the investment.